The Fighting Fitzgeralds

Jim 2000s

Aired: 2000 NBC The Fighting Fitzgeralds

DAD: Pop Fitzgerald / Widower

DAD’S JOB: Retired Fireman

KIDS: Jim(Justin Louis)(20’s), Terry(Chris Moyihan)(20’s), Patrick(Jon Patrick Walker)(20’s)


STAND-IN “MOM”: Sophie(Connie Britton)/daughter-in-law

Pity Brian Dennehy: he’s had two TV Single Dad shows shot out from under him (Big Shamus/Little Shamus, Star of the Family), one of which closed down after only two episodes.

TV Single Dad Show Number Three seemed to be able to survive more than a couple of weeks. In this series, Mr. D. played Mr. Fitzgerald of the eponymous series. He was a retired fireman/curmudgeon, pretty much returning to an all-male remake of Empty Nest. With all these live-in adult kids, there was hope for a comedic Bonanza, but don’t count on it.

Update: As predicted, the Fitzgerald family met with disaster. NBC ousted this series, chalking it up to poor ratings. Oh, and clearing out a space for The Weakest Link. Buh-bye, Fitzgeralds!