Game of Thrones

Jim 2010s

Aired: 2011-2019 (HBO)Game of Thrones

DAD: Lord Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance) / Widower

DAD’S JOB: Lord of Casterly Rock and Hand of the King

KIDS: Jaime, Cersei and Tyrion.

WHERE’S MOM?: Died giving birth to Tyrion


George R. R. Martin’s swords-and-dragons epic quickly became one of the most popular series HBO ever produced. The sprawling series linked the stories of almost twenty regular characters, so of course there would be at least one TV Single Dad in the mix.

Lord Tywin Lannister may possibly earn the prize of spawning the most miserable collection of evil offspring in the history of television. Incestuous Jaime and treacherous Cersei are the secret parents of Lord Tywin’s nasty grandson, King Joffrey. Dimunitive Tyrion tries to avoid direct physical confrontation, but isn’t above laying waste to whole armies with medieval versions of napalm. Tywin himself is quite a mean piece of work, having been party to assassinating dozens of perceived enemies of the House of Lannister. Bloodbaths every episode, but raucous family interactions at the same time.