Falling Skies

Jim 2010s

Aired: 2011-2015 (TNT)Falling Skies

DAD: Tom Mason (Noah Wylie) / Widower

DAD’S JOB: Former Boston U. history professor, now co-leader of the 2nd Massachusetts Militia

KIDS: Ben (18)(missing), Hal (Drew Roy)(16), Matt (Maxim Knight)(7)

WHERE’S MOM?: Killed by aliens

STAND-IN “MOM”: Anne Glass (Moon Bloodgood) The Last Pediatrician on Earth

TNT somehow managed to revamp Independence Day into a TV series, set the show outside of Boston, replace Wil Smith with Noah Wylie, and still were able to make it all fascinating.

Professor Tom Mason’s knowledge of American Revolutionary War tactics helps to fend off the continuing onslaught of the giant cricket-shaped alien creatures scrabbling all over Middlesex County. Tom’s eldest son, Ben, may be a prisoner of the aliens, and Tom spends most of his days searching for his lost child (when he’s not busy ducking the space monster Death Beams).

The show has touches of VJerichoThe Rifleman, and The Guns of Will Sonnett. Surprisingly good writing and an excellent cast gave this series a chance at a multi-year run. Hopefully the 2nd Massachusetts will be able to retake Watertown Square someday.

A tip of the Sebastian Cabot Memorial Bowler to Friend of the Site Jordan Rich, who spotted this series early on. Many thanks, Jordan!