Gossip Girl

Jim 2000s

Aired: 2007-2012 CW Network Gossip Girl

DAD #1: Howie “The Captain” Archibald (San Robards) / Divorced

DAD #1’S JOB: Rich Guy

KIDS #1: Nate (Chace Crawford)/ teens?

WHERE’S MOM #1?: Unknown

STAND-IN “MOM #1”: Unknown

DAD #2: Rufus Collins (Matthew Settle) / Divorced

DAD #2’S JOB: Art Gallery Owner / Former Rocker

KIDS #2: Max Collins (Penn Badgley)/ teens?

WHERE’S MOM #2?: Unknown

STAND-IN “MOM #2”: unknown

Teen soapers without at least one TV Single Dad? Not possible! This mid-season replacement started as a filler for the strike-depleted CW network in the early spring of 2008, and managed to find legs in the midst of a very down season.

Thanks to Alert Viewer “Meggggg” for the tip on the show!