Aired: 2012-2013 (NBC)
DAD: Chris (Jesse Bradford) / Single
DAD’S JOB: Unknown
KIDS: Unknown (baby)
WHERE’S MOM?: Unknown
STAND-IN “MOM”: Unknown
Producer Jimmy Fallon seems to have found a screenplay tutorial program on his MacBook and accidentally pitched the template to NBC. Of course, the network promptly ordered up an entire season of shows.
Truly a show on auto-pilot. I’d say this is the most horrendous, mortifying rehash of every “Mr. Mom” stereotype ever plopped onto a broadcast schedule. There are “Using the Baby to Pick up Hot Girls” jokes, there are “Babies that Smell Bad are Funny” gags, and there is the “Let’s Put Anthony Anderson in Another Sitcom and Maybe This Time it Won’t Get Canceled” cliche.
Despite being co-produced by Fallon and Lorne Michaels, the series crawled to a cancellation in February. On the fortunate side, there were so few episodes it probably won’t show up anywhere but the back catalog of Netflix.