Aired: 1981-82
DAD: Jack Shannon (Kevin Dobson) / Widower
KIDS: Johnny Shannon (Charlie Fields) (10)
WHERE’S MOM?: "untimely death"
STAND-IN "MOM": Paul (Al Ruscio) and Irene (Karen Kondazian) Locatelli / In-Laws
Okay, here is a TEMPLATE for writing a Single Dad show: "Following the tragic death of his wife, single dad [name here] moves his family from [name of place] to [far away place from that original location]."
Here’s the details from THIS show: Following the tragic death of his wife, single dad and NYPD cop Jack Shannon moves his family from New York City to San Francisco.
The reason for moving, according to the plot, was so that little Johnny could be closer to Jack’s in-laws. Of course, Jack joins the SFPD and finds they don’t DO things the way he did "back East." Gee, from one template to another. And the show lasted from Election Day to Easter.